The Importance of Keeping a Blog Schedule

It takes a lot of motivation when you work from home. It can often times be very easy to slack off and procrastinate. I've been blogging for 7 years now, and one thing I have learned is that it's really important to set and keep a schedule. 

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A lot of people don't consider the amount of time that goes into blogging. There are so many times that I am pulling 12 hour "shifts" and all nighters doing what needs to be done to grow my blog as a business and career. I spend a lot of time writing, proofreading, editing, photographing, filming videos, making graphics, networking, contacting companies, responding to emails, putting products through their paces, promoting, and responding to comments. A lot of this is far too much to do all in one day, every single day. This is why as a blogger, it's important to set a schedule. 

Setting a schedule helps keep you on track. I go one step farther with my scheduling and include other things through out my day to help break up the work a little bit, which also helps keep me on track and from getting overwhelmed or bored with everything. 

There is a certain hour or two during my day that I set aside for work. Some days it's in the morning, some days it's at night after everyone is in bed, but I force myself to sit down and dedicate at least one hour to working. 

As for everything else, I assign each blog activity to a specific day.

Sunday - Schedule all blog posts for the week ahead
Monday - Schedule social media posts
Tuesday - Networking
Wednesday - Pitch emails
Thursday - Free Day (I decide what I would like to do that day based on what still needs done)
Friday - Networking/follow threads
Saturday - Photographs and graphics

I respond to emails every day and usually that's the very first thing I do. Since almost all of my posts go live around 8am, I check emails between 8:30am and 10am while I'm on the elliptical (multitasking for the win!) and send out my links for any live posts during that time. 

Having a schedule helps me space everything out so I'm not doing all of the work all at once. That's not to say that there is something to do every day. Some days I have no videos to film or photos and graphics to shoot and make. That frees up those days for any other work I need to get caught up on, or I can use those as a much needed day off. 

I suggest getting yourself a great daily planner to keep track of your blogging schedule. I even go as far as keeping track of deliveries in mine so I know in advance when to start working on the post graphics for that product. 

You'll find that blogging is much easier when you set a schedule and stick to it. There's room for a little leeway, of course, but it helps keep you on the right path and you're blog will grow and prosper in no time! 


  1. Seeing your schedule has made me so motivated to make by own, I am so unorganised and find myself always in a panic on my posting day.

    1. I've been there so many times, which is why I realized I was in desperate need of some sort of schedule to hold myself accountable and to make it a little more manageable so I don't get overwhelmed.

  2. It really does take so much work to get a blog going and keep it running well! Having a great schedule is so important. It looks like you've got one really well planned out - I need to take some notes!

    1. So many people don't understand what it takes. The motivation part is probably the hardest, for sure.

  3. Yes. its easy to get waylaid working from home and being your own boss. I maintain a planner too. And I feel most satisfied when I see myself checking off the items on the list.

    1. I make check lists for my entire day as well, and you're right, it's very satisfying to be able to check those things off.

  4. This has been a really useful read as I've just set up a blog and an finding my feet! Many thanks, great piece!

    1. Welcome, and good luck on your blogging journey!

  5. What a great schedule! I agree - it is so important to have one because of just how many things go into having a successful blog. Great post!

    1. Some days it's a full time job, so it's important to set something that works for you to keep you on track.

  6. I really needed to read this because balancing work and blogging has become really stressful lately and i think its all because of my scheduling habits. I am taking this to heart and creating change now.

    1. I use to get so stressed out because I never had any "structure" with my schedule, so I can relate. I promise you, you will find more motivation once you find a schedule that is right for you.

  7. Oh my gosh, yes. I definitely need a blog schedule, I'm going to create one today!

    1. Awesome! And good luck on your blogging journey!

  8. Blog scheduling is so hard for me! I really need to get better at it, but it's' definitely a weekly struggle. Thanks for all your tips!

  9. Wow! You’ve been blogging for seven years! I think it really does help productivity to have a schedule.


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